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Resistente e duradouro

Resistant up to 6 hours per day, with a few precautions during the winter.

Many invest in a playing field with synthetic grass because it is used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Except for rare cases, a playing field shall not exceed 1200 hours of play per year, just as a matter of feasible consumers free time. During the day, most of the children are at school and adults at work. In most cases, the fields are used after 16:00 pm and until 22:00 in the evening. One day a week the insiders close the structure of weekly rest. Therefore, PowerGrass intends to meet is the real demand that meets more than 90% of football clubs.

It 's good to have in mind, however, some limitations. During the growing season, the grass of PowerGrass supports a high number of hours, without severe damages, but the playing activity should be reduced during the winter when the natural grass is dormant. During the winter PowerGrass retains heat better, but when it freezes it is good to avoid playing on the frozen surface so as not to cause damage to the lawn and to preserve the health of the players, because the surface becomes slippery and hard, less compared to other systems, but despite this the natural grass can be damaged, that carries on until the recovery of the vegetation.

Thanks to artificial grass, the grass sods will not raise any more and the playing surface is not easily damaged.

Applying a simple but constant maintenance it is easy to get a high quality standard turf throughout the year to withstand the load of the season. During the summer break, you can program a specialized maintenance and a simple re-seeding of the most frequently used areas such as the goalmouths.

The durability depends on regular maintenance of natural grass, taking care not to damage the artificial turf.

The regular and constant maintenance of natural grass provides a field with homogeneous grass coverage almost all year round. In this way, the natural grass covers and protects the synthetic turf, so that is not exposed to the sun and does not undergo the aging of artificial turf therefore, actually the grass regenerates and does not have an expiration date.

The durability of the PowerGrass is then estimated to be about 20 years, with some precaution about the type and mode of operations with equipment that can cause serious damage to the synthetic fiber such as is necessary to avoid aggressive verticut with blades fixed or mobile: the intensive playing activity is a great aerator therefore, according to climate, verticut often is not required. Otherwise use the springs or it's better to use a small groomer with thin springs to aerate the grass without damaging the synthetic fibers.

Also avoid the repeated top-dressing burying the artificial fiber, because, in this way, do not protect the crowns of the grass plants. Normally topdressing in sand based growth mediums is used to level the surface and close the small divot that form the players in the surface. This does not happen in PowerGrass. After two seasons of experience we have not seen the need for top dressing, not even verticutting.
However, if this is not possible, you should reduce the amount of sand and/or periodically, every 4-5 years, when the artificial fibers seem buried, weed and remove all the grass, harrowing the top-soil and eventually integrate with the Geofill PG organic soil conditioner. Then sow the natural grass and after 8 weeks, the field will be ready for the first games.

For obvious reasons are not allowed hollow coring and slicing in depth with the spikers to avoid damage to the artificial support. The roots of grass tend to settle in the new cut, but there is a risk of raising the plate with artificial grass.

Do not use overseeders with discs that can cut the artificial fibers, but those with tapered pins that tend to move aside the grass together with the artificial fibers.

Instead, it's possible to use the Verti-Drain periodically with thin tines of 8 or 12 mm, to decompact the sand based growth medium and make it softer and more draining.

Resistant to an ElephantResistant to an Elephant

A pitch well built is resistance and there is no doubt about it.

Football on sandFootball on sand

A sand based pitch often does not support players actions, but in PowerGrass you can count on the roots that anchor to the artificial backing.

PowerGrass RootsPowerGrass Roots

A cross section where roots develop above and below the artificial turf backing.

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