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Campos experimentais

Our experience... is part of one of the most important Sciences.

Agronomy is a multidisciplinary science that deals with the application of scientific principles to agriculture. Agronomy includes aspects studied by disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, geology, soil science, ecology, economics, sociology, ethics, engineering, landscaping, design. In practical terms is the set of techniques and technologies that are used to make more efficient and effective results of economic activities that employ such knowledge.
Agronomy, as a science, addresses also the study of the consequences of the misuse of certain techniques cultivation. Looking for a complete and exhaustive definition of Agronomy it can be: "applied science that studies, adopts and applies knowledge, methods and technologies designed to optimize crop yields by acting on different factors, in order to improve the quality of products using appropriate technologies that are compatible with the environment, economically sustainable and which do not adversely affect the health of the final consumer." The study and practical application of scientific knowledge arising from different areas, thus confer to agronomy the importance of applied technology. The application of agronomic techniques requires - at a practical level-operating - even the knowledge of the basic principles of experimentation and research.

From the idea ... to the trial fields.

Excited yes, but not unwary. Aware of the difficulties of coexistence between natural and synthetic grass in most of the existing systems, we have experienced more than one solutions, to verify the behavior of natural grass during the season.

The results prove the rule: if the roots can breathe, they grow deep in the soil and the grass growth is healthy.

After the first tests carried out in his own company, Dott. Niko Sarris, by accident, was able to identify two types of suitable backings that would allow the roots to pass through while others who were supposed to have these features have dramatically failed or have had little significant results. Stunned by the early results , Sarris has understood the value of the discovery , and he convinced his partner Eurogreen to proceed with field tests at its headquarters in Betzdorf (Germany). The Eurogreen is a company specialized in natural grass, internationally renowned where Sarris worked for 7 years (1995-2001) and acquired a good part of his knowledge with the support of technicians who have studied throughout all life natural grass. After a brief period of growth the test area has been treated with a roller including cleats to simulate players foot traffic and after a few weeks was found by the masters of Sarris the efficiency of his idea.

Testing PowerGrass in Betzdorf - DTesting PowerGrass in Betzdorf - D

Despite the studies, the wide experience of Sarris and the fortune of this unexpected discovery of the solution that has affected the sports fields construction industry for over 20 years, his technical expertise did not allow him to understand the reason.

In search of answers he shared his experience with Prof. Claudio Di Prisco, Professor of Civil, Environmental and Territorial in Politecnico of Milan who teaches Geotechnical for the defense of the territory. Professor Di Prisco has been a headlight for Sarris, he explained concepts and relations of strength between the various woven and nonwoven fabrics available in the industry and those applied in geotechnical that helped him identify those that are compatible for the growth of the grass.

Synthetic fibers protrude 20 mmSynthetic fibers protrude 20 mm

In sport fields artificial fibers should extend at least 20 mm above the ground to protect the crown of the plant.

Ryegrass CrownRyegrass Crown

The crown of the grass is the vital part which generates new seedlings and roots.

Testing Geofill PG backgroundTesting Geofill PG background

Geofill PG arise from a thorough testing of selected sand and mixed with many organic amendments in Italy.

Testing Geofill PG topsoilTesting Geofill PG topsoil

Geofill PG is applied in a mixture with mineral aggregates both above and below the artificial turf studied for PowerGrass.

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