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PowerGrass is World wide projectPowerGrass is World wide project

PowerGrass is an ambitious project of global interest.

PowerGrass immediately caught the interest of the insiders and is expanding like wildfire.

In Europe is present in Italy, Germany, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Holland and Belgium.

In Asia is present in Kazakhstan and in Chechnya (Russia).

In the course of a year, numerous other contacts took place from different countries, from all continents.

PowerGrass is sourced already in several countries:

  1. In Germany, in Austria, in Czech Republic and in Luxemburg through Eurogreen Group.
  2. In Holland through Top Grass.
  3. Directly in the rest of the world, therefore we look for new partners for every single country.

Gli Specialisti del VerdeGli Specialisti del Verde

The PowerGrass is distributed in Italy and in Switzerland by Green Specialists ltd


Italgreen in Joint Venture with Green Specialists for other foreign countries.

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